
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Grimm Ep221 "The Waking Dead" Portland filming locations

Grimm Episode 221 "The Waking Dead"

"Nick and Hank rush to stop a dangerous man assembling an "undead army," as Monroe and Rosalee finally show Juliette their Grimm sides. In Vienna, Adalind tries to sell her unborn baby in exchange for her lost powers."
Aired: May 14, 10/9C

Another royal opening, Austrian streets, castles and ballrooms as Adalind and Brother Renard (Eric) try to get cozy. Once again, the Governor Hotel Library Room ceiling is on display, as in previous episodes.
Governor Hotel on

A cool PDX timelapse video from up on The Hill ends with a view of the Ross Island Bridge, South Waterfront, and Mt Hood in the distance:
Timelapse Portland on

Crime Scene

Nice advertising for Ryan Fritz Realtor? on
The view across the street from the rental house crime scene is the back of St. Andrew Catholic Church. The filming location was at 4957 NE 8th Ave.

Across from crime house on

St. Joseph's Hospital:

...Later on affectionately referred to by Wu as "St Joe's"
CCC as "St Joe's" on

Spice Shop: 

And now for the BIG reveal...first Rosalee, then Bud, then Monroe do the Volga for Juliette, who remains calm.

On Bus 3051: 

The Baron spits green goo on TriMet riders. What, is this a current headline?
Baron on

The Baron apparently has a storage container, possibly a whole container yard just north of St John's, full of his zombies... sure to take over the city next week.

PDX runway: 

Eric touches down at PDX and begins making snide comments about our Wild West city.
PDX makes an appearance on

He later meets up with The Baron in a Portland hotel room...creepy underhanded things are afoot!


I'm fairly certain we will see zombies on the Tram on next week's Season 2 finale episode!


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