
Friday, May 10, 2013

Grimm Ep220 "Kiss of the Muse" Portland filming locations

Musai menu sketch on

Grimm Episode 220 "Kiss of the Muse"

"Nick falls victim to a muse-like Wesen who's dangerously captivating. Meanwhile, Juliette's feelings towards Nick intensify as her memories come back."
Aired: May 7, 10/9C

This was a great episode, traipsing around some familiar spots in Portland.

A local mention that you've probably never heard of: Monroe picked up some goods for dinner from "Shemanski Park outdoor market".... I had to look that one up. And is anyone familiar with these "veggie steaks" he speaks of?

Fullers on

Fuller's Coffee Shop

136 NW 9th Ave
Hank is back from "vacation" sporting some high-tech crutches while his achilles heals. Nick and Hank meet up at Fuller's.

Fullers Coffee Shop in the Pearl

"Nolen's Booksellers"

Interior: 128 NW 11th Ave
The Armory interior is recognizable, done over to look like a book store.

The Armory exterior on

Exterior: 1200 NW Naito Parkway
Everyone is talking about the inconsistency of this scene.  The Albers Mill building on Naito Parkway provided the exterior of the book store, and the jumping off point for Anton, into the Willamette River.
Anton jumps on

Anton jumps on

By the way, we've seen the Albers Mill location previously on Episode 202 "The Kiss"... Coincidence? "The Kiss" and "Kiss of the Muse".

Anton's place - "A loft in SE"

Wesen Girl's condo - NW 11th Ave near Hoyt

Based on this episode, it looks like Portland artists and artist lovers have A LOT of art in their homes. Wall to wall art.
Nick & Musai on

The Bent Brick 

the bent brick on

Another local mention (follow the menu):
Nick sketches the Musai on the back of his menu...the Bent Brick menu travels throughout the episode.  For info on the talented Portland-based company responsible for the branding at The Bent Brick (menu included), see Fullblast Creative:
the bent brick menu on

more bent brick menu on

Union Station

It's always fun to see Union Station on Grimm, and it has been used a number of times, including on "The Kiss" episode. I always think it makes the station seem much more central to Portland life than it actually is, but you have to admit, it's a great backdrop.

Next week's episode looks intriguing... does Juliette learn the truth?


1 comment:

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