
Friday, August 17, 2012

Waiting in line @ Block 49

You may have noticed, there are about 20 people lined up at Gray's Landing (Block 49), awaiting tomorrow's 10:00am opening for applications.  They will be here all night, and half of these folks have been lined up all day. 

They are looking to get first dibs on a unit in the new building, with prices ranging from $480 to $805. Apparently there are strict eligibility req's, including income restrictions and a screening criteria, including credit and criminal background checks.

The first woman in line has several kids and grandkids in the area, and is looking to get a 1 bedroom for $595. Another guy in line, suitcase in tow, claims he relocated here from Ohio just for this opportunity. They are a bit concerned about where to find the closest grocery store, particularly for those who do not drive. One gentleman is also concerned (rightly so) that the nearby gyms are out of his price range. 

MetroWatch Security guards will be on hand all night, but it is doubtful there will be any security concerns.  You can check out a live construction cam of the building here:

The Gray's Landing project is part of the REACH program, developing affordable housing around the Portland area.

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