
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Grimm Season 2 Premiere filming locations

Grimm is back!

Grimm Season 2 Premiere: "Bad Teeth"

Story line: "Nick copes with the return of his thought-to-be- dead mother while racing to find a cure for comatose Juliette"
Aired: August 13, 10:00pm PST

Our Season 2 premiere opens with a flashback through the Season 1 finale, having left us with an epic battle, and an introduction to Mary Elizabeth Mastrontonio as "the Woman in Black"... or "Mom" to Nick.


NBC revealed a new intro tonight, which I have so far heard referred to as "kinda cheesy", "Buffyized", and "too long, redundant"...more opinions on the new intro here.

In other NBC news, it looks like the NBC Grimm website has been given a refresh, new fonts, layout, etc.

Also, for you Grimm-stalkers in Portland, a little tip: the signs now say "O4B" instead of "GRIMM".
Grimm filming signs around Portland

Rail cars in storage, presumably at the "Portland Harbor" (literally a Superfund site on the Willamette south of town). 

Previous locations shown in this episode:
  • Flashback to Season 1 finale at Nick's house
  • Spice Shop
  • Adalind's mom's house - first seen in Season 1 Episode 17 (2939 NW Raleigh St)
  • Police Station
  • Aunt Marie's Trailer
  • Coroner's Office
  • Captain's Office
New locations:
Flash to a bridge, the Astoria-Megler Bridge in Astoria, OR.

Photo: wikipedia 

A Jail (where Kumora is being held)

Old plant/factory site - this looks like the site used in previous Season 1 episodes 12 & 17

The FBI agents get into some trouble here. By the way, the lady FBI agent is local Portland actress, Katie O'Grady.

So Adalind is missing, still on the run...

Hey, if you need to get caught up, the Season 1 DVD's are now available:
(Thanks Adele)

My previous Grimm locations posts:
You can view this and previous episodes online:

1 comment:

  1. Loved the Season 2 opening episode - was not so impressed with the new intro - I preferred it when they just had the show title after the opening scene.
