
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Everclear in E.C. park tonight

Concerts and more concerts!

Last night, Toque Libre entertained the neighborhood with their acoustic Latin tunes. Good turnout, and lots of dancing, despite the hot, HOT weather. 


Coming up tonight, EVERCLEAR will be performing in Elizabeth Caruthers - Ecopalooza is a benefit concert for SOLVE, a local nonprofit cleaning up Oregon beaches. That's right, the concert begins at 2:30 with a group of local bands. We will get a nice bluegrass warmup until Everclear takes the stage at 7:30.

Fences set up early this morning
Stage setup begins
For those of you concerned about noise (it is difficult getting a baby... or yourself to bed, with a rock concert going on right outside your bedroom), they tell me the band will wrap up by 9:00.

On another note, how did we not know this was going on this weekend? I don't recall seeing any notices about it, although I looked back and did find a mention of it in the August e-Current. At any rate, enjoy the change in weather, enjoy the entertainment, enjoy the outdoors this weekend!

Update - Photo from the pre-show:


  1. I think there needs to be better advertising for a lot of the things going on down here in South Waterfront. Why isn't the community page posting about everything that is happening? I walked by the park this afternoon and had no idea what was going on until I got back to my condo and googled it (then I saw your blog post). It's just silly that we have to do that.

    1. I woke up this morning and had no idea what was going on out there!
