
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Roman Holiday Rain-Out

The progression of tonight's Movie Night in the Park (Elizabeth Caruthers Park) below...

7:30 - Staking out spots, enjoying the nice evening, picnic-ing

8:00 - spots are filling in, band is playing
 8:30 - Sunset

 8:40 - Uh oh a few folks run for cover from the rain

 8:50 - and it's clearing out, no one brought umbrellas or jackets
 9:00 - Movie cancelled, screen comes down, but the die-hards remain, enjoying their evening in the park


  1. Wow! The movie was canceled because of a few minutes of rain? That is nuts!

  2. It was cancelled because of the lightning.
    Is there a rain date for this? I'd still like to see it.
