
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gibbs St Merry-Go-Round

I just decided to tack this latest update on to my previous post, as my fingers are getting tired from typing Gibbs St Bridge Update posts.... open to the public "soon" and official ceremony taking place on July 14.

Gibbs Street Bridge Update
July 2, 2012
Grand Opening is Scheduled for Saturday, July 14
The Gibbs Steet Bridge will open to the public in early July before a Grand Opening celebration with Mayor Sam Adams and former Rep. Darlene Hooley on Saturday, July 14. The festivities will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and include an opening ceremony, tours and free Tram rides all day. Mark your calendars and plan on attending!
In the meantime, final construction work continues. This work includes the installation of closed circuit security cameras that will monitor both the bridge and the Portland Aerial Tram tower.

June 23, 2012
OK, another update on the Gibbs St Bridge, and this time we are back to "opening soon"... who knew this little bridge announcement would be so dramatic?

This is good!  and it sounds like the reversion is due to a public expression of support for the bridge, (and perhaps a bit of frustration?) You all must be excited about walking to work, walking to PSU, walking to the Farmers' Market on Saturdays, etc.

Gibbs Street Bridge Update
June 22, 2012
Bridge Opening is Slated for Early July
The Portland Bureau of Transportation announced that the Gibbs Street Bridge will open to the public within two weeks, after it rescheduled a Grand Opening celebration to accommodate the certification of the bridge's elevator.
Final items of construction work are still underway, including installation of closed circuit security cameras that will monitor both the bridge and the Portland Aerial Tram tower.
The Transportation Bureau heard from residents on both sides of the bridge emphasizing their excitement about reconnecting Lair Hill with the river for the first time in decades. Opening a bridge that is safe and accessible to all is a top priority for PBOT. history of Gibbs St Bridge posts:
Dec 20, 2011 - Gibbs Project Update

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