
Friday, June 15, 2012

Gibbs St Bridge Grand Opening Delayed

This just in from the PBOT office: the Gibbs St Bridge Grand Opening (was June 23) has been rescheduled to July or August due to elevator certification.

"Gibbs Street Bridge Update
June 15, 2012
Grand Opening is rescheduled 
The Portland Bureau of Transportation sent a “save the date” notice for a June 23 Grand Opening of the Gibbs Street Bridge to stakeholders last month. Today, we’re letting those same people know that the bridge opening has been rescheduled to July or August, with a specific date to be determined in the coming weeks.
The opening was rescheduled to accommodate a new timeline for certification of the bridge’s elevator. Having a certified elevator that is open to the public is the top priority for PBOT staff and contractors working to complete the project.
The Transportation Bureau thanks Portlanders for their patience as we work to reconnect Lair Hill and the Willamette River with a pedestrian and bicycle bridge that is both functional and attractive. Details on when and how the bridge will open – possibly opening the bridge with signs indicating that the elevator is not in service – will be communicated as soon as possible."

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