
Friday, May 18, 2012

Grimm Episode 22 Portland filming locations

Grimm Episode 22: "Woman in Black"
This week: "As Nick delves deeper into his life as a Grimm, a trail of grotesque murders reignites the search for the elusive gold coins."
Aired: May 18, 9:00pm PST

The Grimm Season 1 finale made its way through many familiar locations from throughout the previous 21 episodes. Noticeably missing were the bridges and forest scenes, but last weeks' episode probably made up for that. This episode also featured the lovely Mary Mastrontonio as "the Woman in Black",  who hunts down the bad guys with her Jason Bourne-esque skills.

Monroe & Nick meet for coffee
- Ugly Mug Coffeeshop, 8015 SE 13th Ave, Sellwood

Ugly Mug in Sellwood -
 Governor Hotel
- 611 SW 10th Ave

Governor Hotel 2015

Akira's motel room 
- Palms Motor Hotel at 3801 N. Interstate
Located on the MAX line on N. interstate, the bright red and green neon sign seems iconic. It is not the dodgiest motel scene/seen on Grimm (see the Joyce Hotel, Episode 4).

Palms during filming - photo Sally Filler
Palms during filming - photo Sally Filler

So many familiar locations:
We also saw short scenes of the following:
  • A cat shelter/boarding house
  • Hank somewhere, nervous and shooting a gun into a closet, then snuggling a shotgun. We should all be a little worried about Hank. This season definitely did not end well for him.
  • Also Juliette gave a shout-out for Laurelhurst Market dinner reservations...see Kristi Turnquist's recap at OregonLive. Interesting choice for Juliette, as Laurelhurst is Meat Central Butcher Shop, while last we heard in Episode 19, she was cooking up the vegan salmon...
The Big Reveal:
Nick takes Juliette to the trailer, shows her all his weaponry and tries to explain everything. She thinks he is crazy, runs outside...and immediately gets drenched in the rain. And I mean immediately. Sopping, dripping wet. It does not rain that hard ever.  OK, so Nick then takes her to Monroe's house to try to reveal all truth, but she passes out with the magical cat scratch fever before she can see the "proof" (Monroe morphing into his wolf self).

But the real kicker, the Woman in Black (Mary M.) is...MOM???

So that was the SEASON FINALE of Grimm. Great season! So many wonderful locales featured throughout these 22 episodes. Season 2 filming starts at the end of May, so keep your eyes out for film crews!

Thanks to all of you who have read and contributed to my Grimm locations coverage this season. I couldn't have done it without you!

My previous Grimm locations posts:
You can view this and previous episodes online:


  1. Excellent season finale...and I was pleased
    to read that it topped the ratings for Friday night. :) Roll on season 2!

  2. I am SO looking forward to the DVD set of this season, hopefully with tons of extras, behind the scenes, commentary, etc. I just hope that they get it out far enough ahead of the new season starting that people get a chance to watch it & catch up/get hooked/refresh their memories.

  3. I had never really seen Oregon until Grimm, but I think it’s so beautiful! I was able to use my Auto Hop feature on the finale of Grimm since my PrimeTime Anytime feature always records Grimm. It was wonderful since I chose to watch it commercial-free, and there was so much action with so many questions left unanswered. I was talking to one of my co-workers at Dish about the finale, and we both think that Hank may have gotten the worst of all events. Nick needs to let Hank in on what’s going on ASAP come season 2. Hope you guys get a few sneak-peaks at what may happen since the cameras will be rolling near you!
