
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SW Moody construction update tonight

1. There will be an update on the SW Moody construction project tonight at Umpqua Bank @ 5:30pm. It is open to the public. Thanks to South Waterfront Community Relations for the following details:

The SW Moody project has been in construction since January and is on schedule to be completed this winter.  Please join Chris Armes, Project Manager for the Bureau of Transportation at the City and Bill Bruce, Project Manager for the contractor, Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. for and update, including:
  • Overview of the project
  • Visual description of the completed project
  • Construction schedule
  • Question and answer session
Tuesday, July 19, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Umpqua Bank 
3606 SW Bond Avenue
2. I just discovered the Portland Bureau of Transportation website for the SW Moody construction project:

Great info. The overall schedule is posted, as well as a detailed schedule of work happening each day.  Also provides links to other projects of interest: the light rail & Lake Oswego transit projects.

3. Cyclists be sure to check out the bike detour also posted on the SW Moody website. I did see a woman wipe out last week on the streetcar tracks.

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