
Sunday, July 31, 2011

The first ever Big Float

Once again, Portland impresses the tourists with our beautiful summer weather, lively waterfront and ... a flash mob on the river? At first glance, that's with The Big Float looked like this afternoon - a bunch of people on inner tubes, rafts, kayaks, etc. hanging out together in the middle of the Willamette.

The inaugural Big Float was actually organized as a fundraiser for Willamette Riverkeeper; ($5 suggested donation per floater).
"This first annual Willamette River event, presented by Willamette Riverkeeper, is a celebration of our river – highlighting the recreation it offers as well as the restoration it has undergone in recent years. The idea is to have fun on the river, inspire Portlanders to have positive aspirations for the river, and engage people to create lasting, meaningful change to the river."

It seems like it is partly in response to the recent bad press about the water quality of the river and "Combined Sewer Overflow" issues. For more on that, see Portland Bureau of Environmental Services.

Even Mt Hood made an appearance!
A shot from the east side, where music, food carts, beer garden & after-party are happening.

Just a bit further up the river, the Oregon Brewers' Festival (which began on Thursday) is still going on. Plenty of people are soaking up the sun along with some cold beer. Terrible photo here:

And back at home...aaahhhh peaceful south waterfront Sunday afternoon.

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